Application Guide Without Service Fee Guide you how to apply for studying in Guangzhou University & Study in gzhu

Student Type

Qualification of Applicants

Materials to be submitted

Language Students

Formal schooling of high school level or higher

A. Final schooling certificate and schooling records (the copies should be notarized)

Undergraduate Students

Formal schooling of high school level or higher

A. Final schooling certificate and schooling records (the copies should be notarized) B. Band Six above (students for liberal arts) or Band Three above certificates (students for sciences) of HSK examination (copies are acceptable)

Graduate Students

Bachelor's degree or the equivalent educational level

A. Degree Certificate or Diploma B. Recommendation letter from two scholars of associate professor or higher C. Band Six or above certificate of HSK examination (copies are acceptable)

Research& Study Students

Bachelor's degree or reached the equivalent educational level

A. Final schooling certificate and schooling records (the copies should be notarized)

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